Kompetens & referenser


  • Leda under förändring
  • Skapa struktur & arbetssätt
  • Utveckla Effektiva Team
  • Skapa Effektiva Möten
  • Utveckla forum för Nätverkande
  • Kommunikation
  • Leda utbildningar & workshops


" Millo is an action oriented and value driven person. She seek to inspire, communicate and share values in interaction with others. She dares to try on solving new and complex problems – as she prefer learning something new rather than applying her already gained skills. Millo also has the wish to organise stuff, most things actually. She seek structure and schedules and work best when there are plans established"

Jessica Sandberg

Vice President HR Europe & Brazil Manufacturing på Volvo Group

oktober 2019

"Millo has a very positive personality and a true “can do” attitude. It´s fun and a pleasure to work with Millo!"

Anders Ydergård

Senior Vice President at Volvo Group Truks  Technology
November 2019

"Millo orkar driva vidare även när omgivningen sprungit vidare till nästa trend. Hon är också öppen för att lära nytt och sätta in det i ett etablerat sammanhang. I förändring kan Millo vara den avgörande kraften"

Sven Täpptorp

Group Business Developer

kund till Millo på Volvo

"Millo has successfully managed several complex projects and task in a multicultural environment. Millo can take a complex situation and have a fact based and solution focused dialogue. She is always prepared and delivers on all objectives and targets. She is also always eager to learn and develop herself. If you are looking for an inspiring, developing, organized leader I strongly recommend Millo to anyone who is facing complex organizational needs for change and need support to implement simple but effective solutions"

Tanja Anakijoski

SAP Team Manager at Capgemini
work colleague at Volvo